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I love Birmingham and real estate. My passion for Birmingham's urban neighborhoods led to creating a blog called Bham Bricks where I mostly posted real estate tips, information about Birmingham and client testimonials. I'm no longer regularly blogging, but all of my posts are still there for you to peruse!


If you're interested in learning more about Birmingham, some of our neighborhoods and what they have to offer see my posts about Avondale, downtown Birmingham, Forest Park, Crestwood, Highland Park and others in the link above. 

If you're a newcomer to Birmingham, considering moving to the city or just planning a day here there are LOTS of resources to help you find your way. Interested in popular destinations? Check out this guide. Want to find the city's great resaturants? The Birmingham Originals website is a great place to start. Need a guide to events? Birmingham 365 can help you make a plan to enjoy the city.

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